Okay. Sorry guys. You did guess it. Anna and I got locked in the basement. (Sorry Elisabeth, I didn't know that was what you meant.):) Here is what happened... We were cleaning the church and we went into the basement to get something... Well, I guess you could say that it didn't work as planned. Yes, we got locked in... Finally after fifteen minutes of yelling "MR. GOODMAN! IF YOU CAN HEAR US, WE NEED SOME HELP!" Yes, pathetic, I know. After what seemed an eternally he came to the rescue. Apparently, he thought we were in the gym, so he went down there and was cleaning bathrooms for 15 min. Oh well, at least we got out! :)
Here are some pictures from Anna's B-day Party:
Yes our lovely Emily...

Emily, Elisabeth, and Catherine,

Emily again...

Our beautiful Sadie...

Oh yes, "Say cheese, Emily!"

And, of course, our beautiful birthday girl, Anna!

Anna, you are such a blessing to me and I thank God for the day you were born. I am so thankful that He gave me friends that radiate inward beauty. Thanks for inviting me to your party. I had a great time!