
Desert Song (Hillsong)

I know I just posted couple minutes ago, but I had to show you this.
This is a really good song, especially if you are going through a difficult time in your life.

Just a few more...

I deceided to post a few more pictures from that tramp day at Elisabeth's request...

This picture was snapped right as I was about to hit the trampoline.

Very pretty fall day...

No, I am not actually standing on the shed...


Trampoline Fun and a Cracked Tile...

Some of these pictures are really funny and others.... well... are just gross. (The ones of me that is.:)I took all of these today with the help of Christian.

So, yesterday I was in my room and I hear my mom calling me. Naturaly, I went downstairs to see my mom and Christian sitting on the couch and Christian had a bag of frozen vegetables on his head. Apparently, he flipped over the banister and fell head first into the tile entryway. He came out of it with a headache and a little cut and goosegg on the back of his head.

Ifyou look, you can see the crack his head made in the tile...

The top stair that you can see is the stair he flipped off of.

We deceided he has the hardest head in the world...