So, I have more pictures to post from Mexico because I took a billion pictures... okay that is a bit of an exaggeration, but still... Until then, here are all of the quotes that Elisabeth and I collected in our "Quote Book". A lot of these are from the Canadians. So, if you are from my church and you don't recognize the name, it is one of our French-Canadian brothers and sisters. I'll post more pictures of them in a bit...
Mexico Quotes“Where are the sunglasses?”
~ Dad
“I belong on the short mission bus”
“How many of you cannot speak English?”
~ Naomi
“That-That is SWEAT.”
“I have Hannah Montana lip-gloss. I know you’re jealous.”
~ Coco
“I’m not a bad missionary…just a bad packer.”
~ Naomi
“I look like some stupid tourist.”
~ Naomi
“With rollers-a-rolling…” ~ Sadie (singing)
“…and painters-a…paintering!” ~ Coco (singing)
“Hey Chuck…we need Duct-tape!”
~ DM
“Come party with the green Jesus!”
~ Naomi (in Spanish)
“I used to do yo’ mama jokes…then I turned five.”
~ Coco
“Josh! You are awesome!”
“I read about other people’s lives…but I don’t really care.”
~ DM
“Don’t you have the fear of God in you?”
~ Mike
“Oh my gosh you guys, how embarrassing. We wore the same shirt!”
~ Coco
“I love you, my fluffy rabbit.”
~DM (in a letter in French)
“I taught the kids how to say booger in English!”
~ Naomi
“If I spoke Spanish, I would know what that meant.”
~ Ben
“Everyone who knows what I’m saying…do it.”
~ Dad
“Ok…I’ll be the good-guy, you’ll be Obama.”
~ Keith
“B-P-G…Butter, Peanut, Jelly!”
~ Antonio
“Why does your mom have a facebook, but not you?”
“We understand each other, even when we don’t make sense.”
~Me and Elisabeth
“Skin shouldn’t move”
“Just so you know…I’m wearing underwear.”
~ Kaleb
“Hey everybody…its Pete!”
~ The boys
“I feel like we should hold hands, sway back and forth and sing, ‘friends are friends forever.’”
~ Dad
“Ah…young love!”
~ Coco
“’Sucre’ is sweet in French. But ‘sweet’ doesn’t mean the same thing in French. You say ‘Sucre dude’ and people say ‘you suck.’”
~ DM
“He [John Cooper] looks like someone who smokes a whole pack of cigarettes each day.”
~ DM
“It’s a wheelbarrow without a wheel… I guess it’s just a barrow.”
~Little Michael
“Just call my Michael Angelo.”
~ Mr. G
“Thanks for being the American Coco.”
~ Tom
“I’m not even mono-lingual…”
~ Keith
“Did you just say Canadians are more compact?”
“How far do you live from the Eiffel Tower?”
~ Mr. G (to the French
“I had to go fishing twice.”
~ Mr. G (you don't even want to know what he went fishing for...)
“How are you, Naomi?”
“I’m okay… But Keith is sweaty.”
~ Naomi
“I would cover myself with honey and run naked through a swarm of bees for a Klondike bar.”
~ Shuman
“That was NOT chicken… That was cat.”
“White-American-girl-spending-to-much-time-with-French-Canadians-missionaries-SAY WHAT?”
~Elisabeth (to me) :)
“Do you like air?”
“Think happy thoughts…. Rainbows… butterflies… unicorns… grapenuts!”