
What I Read Today

Today in my devotions I read about the promised safety that God gives us. I thought it was very encouraging. 2 Timothy 4:18 says, "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring we safely to his heavenly kingdom." That alone in very comforting, but a book that I have really brings to light what this scripture means. There is a quote by J.C. Ryle that says, "No soldiers of Christ are ever lost, missing, or left dead on the battlefield." This is what the book says on that scripture:
Are you a worrier? Join the club. Its membership includes the entire human race. Yes, there are some who will deny that they worry, and on the surface they seem carefree. But deep down inside, they fear something- tragedy, abandonment, and certainly the day of death. We were born in the insecurity of a fallen world and a sinful disposition. But God offers security. This is perhaps the most profoundly good element of the Good News. The gospel has comforted so many hearts because it touches the heart's deepest needs. Our needs for companionship, for love, for provision, for purpose- all are part of our inheritance in Christ. We worry about failure, injury, loneliness, debts, and death. But we can claim with Paul: "The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring we safely to his heavenly kingdom."


Vivian Claire said...

Go ahead and tell me what you think about it!

Elisabeth said...

That is very good, Vivian. But I have one little argument. (Please don't think I'm trying to nit-pick, but these are my thoughts, so don't hear what I'm not saying.) It says that people's feeling secure is "perhaps the most profoundly good thing about the gospel." Our feeling of security in Christ IS one of the gifts we receive via his death on the cross, but the most "profoundly good thing" about the gospel is that we are saved from our sins and now have an eternal future with God!
Again, don't hear what I'm not saying, because that was very good. And it's also possible that I am confused about what I read - I'm quite tired right now. ;)

Vivian Claire said...

I totally agree! The book was just focusing on the subject of worry. It is because of what Jesus did on the cross that God OFFERS security. It is about his offer not our NEED of security.

Elisabeth said...

Mmmkay. I get what it's saying now. But, still, the most profoundly good element of the gospel is that we are saved from our sins. Everything else is cool, though.

We will never thirst-because all that we need is found in Jesus said...

This was very encouraging! Thanks for the way that you love the Lord. This is God's work in you...how amazing God is!!!

Elisabeth said...

Amen, Steph!