And these are pictures he made...

Pretty weird, right?
So, I found out that not all beagles are as thick in the head as Bailey...

In a dog show in some place I don't remember how to spell, a beagle, first time in 100 years, has won the Best in Show award! The beagle's name is Uno. If you want to see a video on this you can go to Youtube and search 'uno' and it will pop up. I thought it was really cool, being a beagle owner. I hope you enjoyed my time of randomness.
Vivian, blogs are made for randomness. :)
Funny pictures. Did you know your pop has been sending everyone "Larry's Face of the Day" for about a month now? So I've seen some of those lovely pictures. lol. :)
Yeah, I know he's been sending them all out. I just put them up for the sheer fun of it...
lol, i love the animal pictures... they're done so well you almost hafta look twice at them!
hey viv,speaking of which I get to keep that stray
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