Look at that face! His name is Christopher.
Of course, the two older ones, Andrew and my brother Christian did not want their pictures taken...
This is their cat, Chloe
The boy in the superman shirt is Matthew, and the smudge of a person in the back in Andrew...
Chris was the most photogenic of the three...
Are they not SO CUTE! I had a great time. They are very well behaved kids and I know that their favorite part of the whole day was playing a game they like to call "Kill Vivian". Need I say more... :)
Awww...they are cute!
What is it with kids liking to play "kill-the-babysitter"? I once played a game called "barricade-the-babysitter-in-the-closet". Uh-huh. Yep. :)
Oh my gosh! Wait a sec...I know those kids!! They used to go to our old church with us before PCC...whoa. Okay, so it took a minute to recognize them, but anyway...
Hey Vivian! Cool blog!
Yep. Those are them, Elisabeth!
Hey, Brynn
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