Okay. We are leaving early tomorrow morning to drive to Texas to visit family and friends. On Sunday, my dad and I are going to drive to Dallas, TX to meet up with a missions team from our church, fly to McAllen, TX, then drive over the border into Mexico. We will be down there for a week building the second story of a small church out of concrete. After that we will drive back over the border, fly to Dallas, say goodbye to our friends, and drive back to my grandparents house. Two days later, we will drive from there to West Palm Beach, Florida!(The drive will take two days!) We will be there for two and a half weeks! Then over the next three days, we will drive home, just three days before the school semester starts at Johnson County Community College for a grand total of five weeks of vacation. So yeah. That is my crazy summer.
I will miss you all so much! I might be able to post pictures while I'm gone because we are bringing my dad's computer... But no promises. =D
So, God bless you all while I'm gone!
Love you, guys!
wow vivian! your summer sounds so exciting! i wish i had my summer filled up - its just lying around the pool for me. :) i prefer being busy over having nothing to do, so i'm already looking forward to school starting.
i'll be praying that God will bless your rest of the summer!
have fun! i'll miss you!
hope you have a great trip!! that sounds like alot of fun! good luck building the church!!!
What is =D?
Wow!! That sounds crazy, but fun! I hope the whole trip isn't too stressful (trips have a way of making us crazy sometimes...), and everything goes well. Have a great time!
Hey guys! I'm in the library in Jupiter, Florida! Unfortunatly, we don't have internet at our condo, but oh well. I miss you all so much and I can't wait to see you all when I get back!!
Morgoth, =D is a sideways smiley face... :)
If you do not have internet how can you post that???
Because....she's at the library ^
Oops...that was me...lol Mr. Smith forgot to sign out ha :)
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