

"Butter... Peanut... Jelly!" ~Antonio aka Junior
Antonio is from the Canadian church. He could speak very little English. So, when we were making sandwiches for lunch one day, this is what Antonio labeled it as...

Aww... Carlos!

We had to stuff the holes in a wall full of Styrofoam so that we could smear cement over it.

We also repainted the pastor's new home, which was conveniently right above the church.

This was at the church on our day off. We went and served the church by basically having a small concert-like worship service and giving the people in the community food.


Elisabeth said...

Yay! I took that last picture of you =D

Unknown said...

I like your blog. There are some really interesting articles featured by our experts on the bizymoms McAllen community experts page.

Brianna Anderson (Bree) said...

You went to Mexico?? That's awesome! How long were you there for?

Vivian Claire said...

We were there for 1 week. We went with another church from Quebec, Canada. We had a blast. God really used the trip to work in our hearts. I realized how blessed we really are. It was really amazing.

Elisabeth said...

wow you put more up. those are great!

Paige said...

yay I am so happy to see these pics!!! thats so awesome you got to go to mexico, and serve in that way, and it looked like you had a blast!! thanks for posting these awesome pics!!!

Brianna Anderson (Bree) said...

Wow that's amazing!