Yep! Tomorrow is my birthday, but I got this as an early present. Sorry the quality of the pictures aren't better. My camera is goofing up on me. but im really happy. I think I'll call it.... hm. What should I name him?

What do
you think I should name him?
Cyrano de Bergerac! But you can call him "Charlie" for short =P
You'll have to send me your you have texting?
I like it. ;P
yeah. UNLIMITED texting. :)Do you have my email address? If you do, than you can email me your number. Or I just could get it from your mom. :)
I don't have your e-mail address...mine is
Send me your number and I would love to chat with you sometime. Unfortunately I don't have UNLIMITED. But I do have text ;-)
Happy Birthday!!!!
I love your phone!
I like the name charlie, it also kinda looks like a Gerard, thats just me, or Garbo, Garbie for short. lol i dont know.
YES!! I phone and unlimited texting!! yay!!! Can you email me your number? =]
umm... I can't think of what to name it... have you looked on baby name sites? that always helps me. ;]
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