As some of you know my grandpa (Pop) had brain surgery yesterday. All went well, actually very well. He had brain surgery because he has (or had) what is called "trigeminal nurasia" were a vein is on top of one of the main nerves in your face. So, the vein eventually wares away at the covering of the nerve. That makes it so that every once in a while, the nerve sends pain messages to the brain. Over the past couple of years, this pain has gotten worse and more frequent. So, he had brain surgery. He was in surgery for three and a half hours. They found that not one but two veins were on his nerve. They were successfully moved away and he is now in recovery. Here are some pictures of Pop.
The smaller boy is Pop.

This is me and Pop watching a TV show together.

Also, keep Elisabeth's family in mind. They are going through a very difficult time, as it appears that her grandfather is coming to the end of his life. So, please pray for them.
Know that we love you and we are praying for you daily. But more importantly, He is with all of the time and He will be your comfort. L.Y.L.A.S.
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