Christian getting ready...
All WE needed...
All I needed...
Now, at this point of our trip, we had already checked into a hotel, and we were heading to the house of my great-grandma Ethel's old friend, Lolita. But, unfortunately, we got turned around... Turned around so much so, that right when we left the motel parking lot, we went the wrong way... I got some good pictures from it though!
A little while after, we figured out that we were going the wrong way and we turned around and got were we needed to be.
This is my Grandma Ethel and my mom in a little restaurant in Geneseo.
Here is some evidence that I was actually there. (As you all know, I hate having pictures of myself on my camera, but here is one.)
This is my cousin Spencer...
my cousin Jesse...
along Joseph and Sophie...
We had a great time. Over the next few days I will post different things for each of the days we were gone. (Or until my pictures run out...)
Cute pics. What is "Geneseo"?
Geneseo is a little town about 4 hours from here. (in Kansas)It is were my great-grandpa Glen was born and spent 70 years of his life.
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