
I am nothing, He is everything

I would be posting about my trip, but I am at my grandparent's house and I don't have my pictures with me, so, I am going to post something different.
Yesterday, at church, we had communion. I don't even remember what caused me to think about this but I started saying to myself, "I don't deserve this. Why am I excepted into God's family? I am nothing special. I don't feel worthy. I don't feel good enough." Then I heard a voice; a kind loving voice inside my head: "You're not worthy enough. You're not good enough. But I am." I believe that God was speaking to me. In that moment I felt more loved then I ever have before. We are no where near "worthy" or "good enough". But God is. He is enough to cover all of our sins and make our cups over flow. I praise God that we don't have to earn our way into His family. We would never make it. But God, being rich in mercy, saved us from what we really deserve.


Vivian Claire said...

Does anyone even look on here anymore?

Elisabeth said...

Just because some people don't comment, doesn't mean they don't look on here. I do all the time - I just sometimes forget to comment. :)

Isn't it amazing when God speaks to you like that? I know exactly what you mean. God is so good!