
Tag, your it...

Pick Your Artist: Barlow Girl

Are you male or female: "Clothes"

Describe yourself: "Average Girl"

How do you feel about yourself: "Never Alone"

Describe where you currently live: "5 Minutes of Fame"

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: "Go, Tell It On the Mountains"

Your best friend is: "My God's Enough"

Your favorite color is: "Grey"

You know that: "Never Alone"

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: "Superstar"

What is life to you: "Everyday Life"

What is the best advice you have to give: "Surrender"

If you could change your name, what would it be: "Angelic Proclamation"

Your favorite treat is: "Sweet Revenge"

Elisabeth... your it. All you have to do is pick an artist, and use the names of the songs to answer this things... Anyone else who wants to do this can.

PS some of the things I put on here are not true. If I ever did have my own TV show it would not be called Superstar. My favorite treat is not Sweet Revenge... (actually, it's donuts...) :)


Elisabeth said...

haha...wow. Yeah, when you answered "Superstar" I had this scary image of you in a hannah montana wig. Mhm and that's not awkward at all xD lol

Vivian Claire said...

Oh thanks a lot! Yeah... I just put that because it seemed to fit the question not me.

Elisabeth said...

yeah i know :)