This is the original. If you look, you can see the bone fragment...

Here is a close up of the same picture. I have circled the fragment.

Some of you may not know, but I have JRA, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, and possibly Lupus. Also, recently a small bone fragment broke off and is now floating around in the joint space behind my left knee. Lately it has been hurting quite a bit.
Today at the doctor, I was telling them about how these past couple of months have been kind of hard because of my knee hurting so bad. So my doctor immediately said, "Well we need to take care of that then." Yep, I am going to be going into surgery. It will be either the 22nd or 24th of this month. It will take a bit for me to recover, but honestly, I am kind of excited about it. It will be nice not to be in constant pain. The doctor who will be doing the surgery is great. She said that she will take pictures during the surgery and give them to me. That will be pretty cool. I might even put them on here...
oh vivian, i'm so sorry...i'll be praying for you...and if there's anything i can do please tell me!!
Awesome! That you'll be all better, I mean, not that you're having surgery.
My sister had the same attitude about her shoulder surgery - didn't want the surgery, but was excited to be out of pain! :)
I prayed for you!
wow. I'm glad there is a solution like that available for you! I'm sure the surgery will go great, and then maybe the pain will go away! I will keep you in my prayers. Love you!
i will be praying for you vivian! but i can see why you would be excited. thats how i was about braces even though i was told it was gonna hurt. (it actually didn't but thats beside the point) :)
anyways, glad that you can fix your knee! like i said i'll be praying for you!
Praise God for educated doctors and modern medicine, no? This might be cliche, but I say it with all sincerity - you continue to be in my thoughs and prayers. Love you, chicka!
Thank you all for your comments. I know that God is with me in whatever I do, but it is good to know that you are too. (Even if just in spirit.) :)
I'll be praying for you!!! I'm so sorry you have been in so much pain, but that will all be over soon! yay!!!!!!! luv ya, and hope you have a fast recovery!!!!!!
Praying for you! Remember God is in control!
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