
I've Been Tagged

If you could live anywhere in any house, where and what would it be? I would live on a far away island in a big house with a huge wall of glass looking out on the ocean where I could draw...

What are you wearing now? Shorts and a red shirt.

What is on your desk? A box if junk, a flower and pictures from my surgery.

What would you like to learn to do? paint with Oils.

What was the last thing you bought? Reading glasses

What one item are you currently wanting? A new, high tech camera

What languages can you speak? English and a bit of Spanish

What is the last book you have read? Company of Swans, and The Reluctant Heiress both by Eva Ibbotson. And Father of Dragons by L. B. Graham, and The Hidden Threshold by Me. :)

What do you want to be when you grow up? A surgical nurse. Or something like that.

What are your favorite websites? GrooveShark, LineRider, Shutterfly, all of my friends blogs, and Yahoo mail.

If you were to pick up a pen right now, what would be the first thing you'd write? "The swords clashed together. His ears rang mercilessly. 'So,' he thought, 'this is what fear is.'

If you you could be anywhere in the world at any point in time, where would you be? at any point in time? I would definitely stay right in this time period but in Ireland.

If you could be an animal, what would you be? Without a doubt, I would be a Griffin. Even though they really aren't real, they are, by far, the coolest creatures ever. :)

What are you looking forward to in the near future? Going to Branson in two weeks, then Texas, Mexico, and Florida in July, and school at Johnson County Community College starting two days after we get back from Florida. (That was a really big run-on sentence ;))

If you could open up your own store or business, what would it be? A store that provides appropriate clothing for girls at an affordable price.

What are you doing right now, besides typing out the answers to these questions? I am listening to "Irene" by TobyMac

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do it, feel free.

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