A few weeks ago, I went out with many of my fellow Greenleafers out to the country... I mean WAY out. We went to where the owner of Greenleaf, Mrs. W., grew up. It took us over two hours to get there. We spent the whole day out there (and I mean ALL day. We left to go there at 7am and got back at 10pm.) . It was such a good time.
Rebekah and Marisa... And Janice's sandwich :)
The scenery was beautiful!
And there was a HUGE turkey. The boys liked to mess with it.
The majority of our group about to head out. We had to wear jeans because of the tall grass (it was very tall. It came up to my shoulders in one place) but it was very hot. But we stayed hydraited.
Towards the end of the day, the group went on a hike. I didn't go though because of my knee. So, one of the mom's stayed back with me while the rest went on. They were gone for a good hour at least. But when they came back, almost every single one of them was soaking wet. Apparently, they had all slipped, one by one, into a big lake. Only me and the mom with me and just a few others had escaped from it. It was pretty funny... For me at least. :) Afterwards, we when to town, looked around the shops and went to dinner at the Golden Corral. I sat at a table with Marisa, Rebekah, and Janice. We had a great time with many laughs.
The very next day (Sunday), we left for Illinois.
Christian got a new cowboy hat...
We went fishing...
Oh, and my dad got a new cowboy hat too...
And we pulled out the Bebe gun.
A couple days after we got home, we all got our hair cut. This is the shortest I've ever had my hair. And Christian hasn't had his hair this short since he was 4!
Christian wanted to know how to make bread, so we showed him.
He was amazed at how big the dough had gotten.
My mom got her hair cut too.
I braided the bread and Christian added the finishing touches by brushing on the butter.
And here we have.... a work of art. :)
Thus concludes this blog post.
Have a great week!
whoa vivian - the haircut was a shock! but it looks good, i think. :) your trips sound so fun!
the bread looks wonderful!! and i love your hair!!
thats some nice lookin bread!!! lol LOVE the cowboy hats!!!!
btw your hair looks great!!!!!
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