
Happy (late) New Year!

Wow, it is already the 4th day in this new year. I found myself writing '08 on my bulletin at church today. So many things have happened this year...

-My Grandpa Glen died; We went to his funeral service in Geneseo, KS
-Lots of little babies were born in our church
-Got my MARA appliance out of my mouth
-Pop had brain surgery
-Volunteered at Overland Park Regional Medical Center
-We went to Lopez Island, WA
-Started raising money for the missions trip to Mexico
-Grandma Lee died; went to Denver, CO for funeral and went to Geneseo, KS for burial
-Found out about a lesion in my knee and bony fragment that is floating around in my joint space
-Got an MRI for the first time
-Started play rehearsals at Greenleaf Music and Arts

These are only a few of the many things that have happened this year. God has been so faithful and kind to me and my family in 2008, and I know that he will be faithful and kind in our lives in 2009, too. So, adios 2008, and welcome to 2009!


~Just*Flinn~ said...

Greetings, Vivian!

You don't know me (and I don't know you :D ) but I am a homeschool student and a Christian...not to mention a Tolkien fan. ;) Nice blog!

My grandfather died in 2008 as well. I am sorry to hear about your losses.

Vivian Claire said...

I am also sorry to hear about your losses. But God helped me through it all, as he always does.