
Prayer Request

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been sick with the stomach virus and I am just recovering. I have a prayer request... This Wednesday, I will be starting an I.V. medication called Remicade. This is one of those things where you go in, and they stick a needle in you and it drips the medication in for a few hours. So if you could be praying for me on Wednesday at 10 o'clock (in the morning of course) that would be great. I miss you guys a lot. Some of you, I will see on Wednesday night for choir, and others I will see on Sunday at church. (Which BTW, those of you doing choir, make sure you come to the last real practice on Sunday afternoon, 2:00 SHARP! :) See y'all when I see ya!


Mariah said...

I will Viv and I hope it will go okay

Elisabeth said...

Viv! I'll be praying. Isn't it good to have the assurance, though, that God is strong in our weaknesses? A couple of verses come to mind and when I have time to look them up I'll post them for you... Love you, girl! Keep running the race for His glory!

Elisabeth said...

P.S. The snowball thing you sent was funny. ;)

Vivian Claire said...

Thanks guys. I will post an update as soon as I can.

Elisabeth said...

Hey, this template is so you. ;)

Elisabeth said...