
Fish Dissections and Settler Women

So... At Co-op yesterday, we dissected a fish!!! I am usually more enthusiastic about the dissection process than any of my friends (not that there is that many of us anyways.) According to Mr. D, our teacher, the girls where actually happy that I was able to come so that I could take the really big fish. It did not smell as bad as the crayfish, but it was definitely more juicy. There was a literal puddle of whatever liquid was in it on our little tray... YUCK! I'm telling you there were scales everywhere! One even landed on my face... That was a little too much...

Lauren and I had one fish, aka Mushy...

Elisabeth and Alexandra had another, aka Tapioca...

Mushy was quite a bit bigger...
I turned Mushy so that he was looking at Elisabeth...

Oh yes, Mushy's juicy innards.

Okay, let's end this post with a not so gross end.

As many of you know, I am in a play! It is the real story of Pocahontas... emphasis on the REAL. This is a story of redemption and reconciliation. Anyways, I am a settler. So this picture here is of me and my fellow settler women. There are a few missing, but this is most of them.
Left to Right...
Jessica, Laura, Janice, Marissa M., Marisa H., Me, and Cassie. We all have so much fun being in our costumes...

I know that had nothing to do with fish, but oh well...


Elisabeth said...

Yay! Haha...our little friends :) juicy.

Awesome pic of you girls in your costumes. I am sad I can't come to your play DX

Paige said...

wow!!! nice costumes!!!!!!!! so was the dissecting really nasty??? I think my biology class is going to dissect a fish or something next week.
*shudder* I hate the smell!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wonderful dress vivian!

Vivian Claire said...

Thanks! Actually, Paige, it was quite interesting. I personally enjoy dissections. I was really afraid about the smell, too, but they really did not smell that bad. Every once in a while I smelled it, but I found that gum really helps. (The gum kinda tasted gross after, though.)

Unknown said...

Viv, I don't know how it is possible for you to "enjoy dissections." But I will leave that to you! Your dress looked really neat!

Brynn said...

Hey Vivian! First of all, Mom says to say hi to your Mom. It's been a long time! :) Second, I am going to dissect a fish this week in co-op, so... what a wonderful... example haha of what it will be like. :D
And thats so cool about acting in a play! Your outfit is awesome and you look so much older in that pic! Talk to you later! :)